Granite State
Rod and Reel Repair

6 Holbrook Drive, Nashua, NH
Mon. & Tues: 9AM-8PM
Wed: Gone Fishin!
Thurs. & Fri. 9AM - 9 PM
Sat.: 9AM - 5 PM
Sun.: Call First
If you need something on a
Wed. or Sun. CALL the SHOP
and if Joe's home---
he'll open up for you!
Hidden away,
on Holbrook Drive
is a tackle shop that
you have to see to believe!
You've may never
have seen
a space packed with
so much tackle!
Its certainly
worth a drive
to come by for a visit!
Fresh & Salt water
Fishing tackle
Ice Fishing tackle & Bait (in season) & &

Nashua, NH, 03062 tel: 603-880-6031
Join Granite State's
"2017" Internet Gallery!
This page is designed for my customers to display their catch.
Pictures may be of a trophy, or simply a fish that you enjoyed catching and are proud of!
We prefer people with their fish compared to just a fish (when possible).
Send your pics and information to: .
You don't need to supply the location or bait used,
but PLEASE provide something to put under your name :-)
Please include TEXT telling who caught the fish a otherwise we will assume it was caught by the person sending the email.
The size (extimated or exact) of your catch would also be nice.
We're not looking to send people to "your spot".
We just would like a little information to put under your picture.
Wishing you a great 2017!
Joe C.
Select the month you'd like to see
or Scroll down!
February March April May June
July August September October
It's a new year and time for some new fish!
"CLICK" on image to see caption and larger picture.

Ashutosh shows us a January smallmouth!

Ashutosh's mysterious unnamed friend holds up a nice fish!

Ashutosh jigged up this good sized yellow perch.

Ashutosh shows us a largemouth he caught! Hope to see that bass again in about 6 months!

Always good to see young anglers on the ice. Here, Dylan displays a nice black crappie he caught! Way-to-go Dylan!

Aiden displays a nice black crappie! I'm sure he and Dylan will be out on the ice again sometime in the future!

"Cutest" bass of the year (so far) goes to Trevor P! Hope you can catch it in another 5 years!

Trevor alo landed this nice pickerel. Looks like a good day "jigging"!

For a little more variety- Trevor caught this nice "crappie"!
Ice Fishing is still going strong!
"CLICK" on image to see caption and larger picture.

Our first 2017 bass through open water goes to Trevor P. (Feb 28th) at a small local pond.

The honors for catching the first laker of the year go to Ashutosh and he caught it "jigging" too! WTG

Brendan picked this 6 pounder using my bait! WTG Brendan!

Winter seems to agree with this largemouth that Brendan landed!

Steve sent us pictures from his fishin' trip "South of the Border"!

As many of us are tired and sore from shoveling, we'd love to change places with Steve!

Mexico really knows how to grow some nice fish!

Thanks again for sharing these pictures. Hope you can continue to land fish like this when you return North this Spring!
Mother nature is slowly transitioning to Spring!
Click on EACH picture for a caption and the complete photo.

John L displays a nice largemouth. Note ice in background!

Look's like its not too cold for lunkers! (John L)

Bill B sends us something a bit different! BIG FISH!

You can imagine the fight this halibut put up!

You won't find these in the Merrimack boys! (Bill B)

Neverett holds up this very healthy looking early season largemouth!

Ashutosh caught this night open water rainbow in during the early March thaw!

Neverett caught his bass in icy 39 degree water.

Neverett's open NICE open water bass shows here were landed March 3rd & 4th!
April was a pretty quiet Month!

Ricky S sent this in and entitled it "DINNER"! Nice pair of trout Ricky!

Ricky M caught this nice smallmouth mid-April. Nice smallie!
There are more than 20 pics for May. To see them all-- click on
SHOW MORE on the bottom.

Great Catch! Send in by Suzanna M!

A real keeper! Thanks for sending this in Suzanna!

Jim C was just in the shop and now he sends us a pic of this NICE 5 pound Brookie! It was caught by Bob C from N. Hampton.

John E sent in this monster smaller pic!

Diana shows a BIG smallie from Winnisquam!

Diana caught a number of nice smallmouth!

Chubby smallie with interesting coloration!

Think Diana will be going back to Winnisquam?

Diana is a fishing machine!
To see FULL SIZE pics an captions click on picture

To see FULL SIZE pics an captions click on picture
There are many more JULY pics!
Just click " SHOW MORE"
at the bottom
to see more great pictures!

This was her first time out fishing? W O W !!! Think she'll be back for more? I think so! This is one of the best pics of the year!! Thanks for sharing

This young lady proudly holds up a very healthy looking 4+ lb largemouth! Way to go! Nice fish!

Here's a fish to be proud of ! Thanks for sharing Jason!

Gene C caught this 24" pickerel while trolling in (Maine) 20+ feet of water for salmon! It put up quite a fight!

Larry A continues to find trout. This nice rainbow it proof! Thanks for sharing!

Larry's rainbow measured 15.5"... NICE!!!!

Matt L sent in this nice pic of his striper. Yes, they're still hitting and Matt's pic is proof! Thanks for sharing!

This ruler is barely large enough to measure Rick's 5 lb 13 oz largemouth!

BJ G caught this monster 6 lb 3 oz LM in a northern NH lake!
August & September

Mike C and friends had a great time!

Mike and friends caught 9 albies, a bunch of stripers,sea bass, a sea robin, blue, and a partridge in a pair tree!

You don't catch these every day!

Nice Variety of fish Mike! Thanks for sharing

It looks like a great trip!

Nice bass!


Thanks again for sharing what I'm sure was a very memorable trip!

It's hard to forget your "Personal Best" fish. Here's Logan's: 6 lbs. 10 oz! Wow!

Adam M certainly has bass-fishing from a kayak figured out!

Kind of makes you want to buy a kayak and follow Adam around :-)

Big fish Adam!

Many of us would be happy to land even ONE of these fish in a season! way to go Adam!

Brian H and Larry A had a field day on the River!

Brian and Larry caught bass, as well as brown and rainbow trout that day!

Brian and Larry released all their fish unharmed!

Brian and Larry are also expert "wet rock-climbers" as you can see.

Beautiful trout! Thanks for sharing these go out to Larry and Brian!

Joe and his buddies had an awesome trip on Champlain. Look how fat this smallie is!

Champlain isn't always this calm. Joe and his friends had a LOT of action!

Joe's best fish was a 4 lb 2oz bass! That's a big smallie!

Does it look like Mike and his friend had a good time on Champlain?

Nice bass Mike!

Champlain has some nice PIKE as Mike found out on Champlain!

Mike caught both largies and smallies on the big lake!

Ozzy was the 3rd member on the Champlain trip. His best was 5 lb 5 oz!

Ozzy's big pike!

Look at how FAT this smallie is that Ozzy boated!

Champlain can certainly be worth the ride as Ozzy reveals! Way to go!

I'm sure Ozzy and his buddies are already planning their next adventure! Thanks for sharing boys!

Dan H hit them big-time at the Cape Cod Canal. At one point it was a fish on every cast (20-30)!

Thumbs up as Dan releases a nice striper!

Dan H also did well after dark!

Dave C and son Dave Jr. had a big day on the water!

Dave Jr. outfished his dad on this trip!

It's going to be a while before dad will be able to live down this beating on the water by Dave Jr.

The fish just kept coming for Dave Jr.!

Dave Jr. is now in collage in NY! We wish him the best! He may be away from Dad & New England, but the memories are his for a lifetime!

Heath snapped this picture while doing some "alone time" fishing. It was a great day! I love Heath's captions!

Nice smallie Heath!

Beautiful picture and fish Heath! Thanks for sharing!

Heath also sent us pictures of a trip with his father-in-law!

Looks like Heath's father-in-law had some luck of his own! Nice fish!

You have to love the note Jason D had on my email-- "Bass are great-- BUT--" and you know--- he's right!

Joe Jr. displays a nice "River Bass" he caught before he returned to CA

Trevor had smallies dialed in on this day! Nice fish!

Trevor's BIG smallie!

Now that's a real KEEPER!

Brian & Larry continue to do well fishing for late season trout on the river

Nice fish

Great Picture

Great Picture